
米国の格差- 経済と政治の結託

前2回のポストで米国の超富裕層と他の層の格差についてみたが、実はThe Economistが今年の1月にWeb上のフォーラムでこの格差問題について「不平等はどう問題になるのか?(How does inequality matter?)」というお題への意見を募集している。

今回はそのさいにMITのアセモグル(Daron Acemoglu)教授が提示した意見の一部を抜粋してみる




Economic power begets political power
THERE are three main reasons why society may care about inequality. First, people's well-being may directly depend on inequality, for example, because they view a highly unequal society as unfair or because the utility loss due to low status of the have-nots may be greater than the utility gain due to the higher status of the haves. Second and more importantly, equality of opportunity may be harder to achieve in an unequal society. Many economists have, by and large rightly, focused more on poverty than inequality. Poverty not only causes low standards of living and poor health but damages both individuals and society by preventing those at the bottom from realising their potential, perhaps because they are unable to obtain a decent quality of education to prepare them for competition in the labour market. While poverty is clearly the more important factor in creating a non-level playing field, inequality may also be a nontrivial factor: those with greater wealth provide to their children resources and thus opportunities that the less wealthy cannot, and this may make it more difficult for society to achieve equality of opportunity.

Third and most importantly, inequality impacts politics. Economic power tends to beget political power even in democratic and pluralistic societies. In the United States, this tends to work through campaign contributions and access to politicians that wealth and money tend to buy. This political channel implies another, potentially more powerful and distortionary link between inequality and a non-level playing field. It may also create pathways from inequality to instability, because both the economic and political implications of inequality can create various backlashes.
The structure of inequality is not only a deeply political issue because of inequality's impact on politics but also because the extent of inequality is shaped in part by politics. The recent changes in wage and income inequality in the United States illustrate this. The substantial increase in inequality in the US labour market since the late 1970s undoubtedly has many economic causes, including the slowdown in the supply of skills and the increase in the demand for skills driven by new technologies and globalisation (see this, for example), though some economists also see political factors at work here, like those associated with the weakening of unions. But the purely economic factors are unlikely to account for the massive increase in top inequality—inequality between the top 1% or even the top 0.1% and the rest of society. As research by Thomas Piketty and Emmanuel Saez documents there has been a perhaps unprecedented increase in how much of total national income is captured by the very rich and the very wealthy.
不平等が政治におよぼす影響のみならず、不平等の程度がある程度は政治によって形づくられることからも、不平等の構造は深く政治的な問題なのです。近年のアメリカにおける賃金と所得の不平等さの変化はこれを示しています。1970年代後半以降のアメリカの労働市場における、相当程度の不平等さの上昇には疑いなく複数の要因があります。スキル(注:を持った労働者)の供給が鈍ったことと新たなテクノロジーとグローバライゼーション(例えばこれを見てください)によって引き起こされたスキルへの需要の増加はその原因に含まれますが、一部のエコノミストはここには労働組合の弱体化等に関連する政治的要因もまた作用している、と見ています。しかしながら、純粋に経済的要因だけでは、トップ1%、あるいはトップ0.1%に限ってみたとしても、と社会のその他の階層との間の不平等の上昇を説明できそうにありません。Thomas PikettyとEmmanuel Saezの研究は、国民所得のうち富裕層あるいは超富裕層が得る割合について、おそらく過去に例のないような上昇がおこったことを実証しています。
A case can be made that top inequality has been soaring in part because of politics. Piketty and Saez document that the very rich today are different than those several decades ago, most importantly because they are not rentiers enjoying returns on their or their parents' capital, but W-2 earners, enjoying very, very high salaries. Recent research by Thomas Philippon and Ariel Resheff shows a concurrent increase in salaries in the financial sector relative to the rest of the economy, confirming the pattern suggested by casual empiricism that many of these very high W-2 earners are in the financial sector. But the expansion of the financial sector and the salaries therein over the last two decades may not have been just an unavoidable consequence of economic tides but a very political process. The deregulation of finance, despite the presence of implicit and explicit government guarantees to financial institutions which would have ordinarily necessitated significant regulation, appears to have been partly won by the financial industry as a result of lobbying, campaign contributions and the access to politicians that the industry enjoys (though this is not to argue that some of this deregulation did not have a compelling economic logic nor that free-market ideology played no role).
トップ層の不平等の上昇は部分的には政治によって引き起こされているという主張が可能です。PikettyとSaezは今日の超富裕層は何十年か前の超富裕層とは違うということを実証しています。最も重要なことは、今日の超富裕層は彼らの親の資本の配当を享受する金利生活者ではなく、とてつもなく高い給料を得るW-2に区分される(注:雇用主から税金その他をひかれて給料が支払われる層)従業員なのです。Thomas PhilipponとAriel Resheffの研究は、経済の他のセクターと比べた場合の金融セクター内の給与の同時的な上昇を示しており、高額な従業員の多くが金融セクターで働いている、というカジュアルな観察を裏付けています。しかしながら、過去20年にわたる金融セクターの膨張とそこではたらく従業員の給料の上昇は、単に避けられない経済の潮流の結果ではなく、とても政治的なプロセスだったかもしれません。金融規制の緩和は政府による暗黙あるいは明示的な金融機関(もともとこれらの機関は大幅は規制を必要としていたのですが)への保証を残したまま行われましたが、この緩和はある程度は金融セクターのロビー活動、選挙への献金、そして金融セクターが享受していた政治家へのアクセスによって勝ち獲られたように思えます(このように主張することで、この規制緩和のうち幾分かに説得力のある経済学のロジックがなかった、と主張したり、自由市場原理主義がまったく役割を果たさなかった、と主張するわけではありませんが)。
・・・・As the lie of the land as far as finance, political connections and inequality are concerned haven't changed, we may witness further increases in inequality underpinned by continuing close connections between the financial industry and politicians. And this may lead to a strong backlash, taking aim not only at the super-rich in the financial sector but also at those in other sectors. While inequality in general may create various economic, social and political problems for society, sweeping actions against the rich would likely do more harm than good as it would hurt the vital entrepreneurial dynamics of the US economy in innovative sectors such as software, telecommunications or biotech.