


ポイント12: 4つの問題群に対しては以下のような対策案が挙げられている(ILO(2010))。
  • スキルのミスマッチ:
    • テクニカルスキルのミスマッチ
      • 職業訓練: 需要のあるセクターに必要なスキルを教室で教える。通常は政府の資金によって運営される
      • 職業訓練+実地教育:上記の教室での授業に加えて、現場でのトレーニングを行う
      • 起業家教育:若い起業家に対して必要であり概して欠けているスキルのサポートをする
    • ノンテクニカルスキルのミスマッチ
      • ソフトスキル及び生活上の知識などを教えるトレーニング(対象となるのは未成年であったり教育を受けられない層である)
  • 需要と若者への差別:
    • 需要不足
      • 若者を雇用することにより企業が負担する賃金及びトレーニング費用の全部または一部の政府の補助金による負担
      • 直接的かつ一時的に政府が仕事を若者に与える。特に経済危機などの場面で若者には貴重なセーフティネットとなる場合がある
    • 若者への差別
      • アファーマティブアクション: 法律により若者への雇用を義務付けたり、若者を雇用した企業に補助金を出したりする
      • メンタリング:企業内でのメンター制度
  • 労働市場における情報のギャップに関する問題:
    • ジョブサーチの失敗:政府による若者のための職業斡旋サービス
    • シグナリング:政府による技術の認証制度(資格制度)
  • 起業家支援
    • 政府による総合的な若年起業家支援プログラム



Recommended policy measures for promoting youth employment
Many governments are actively engaged in finding solutions, although the severity of the situation of young people in the labour market requires more attention and policy action. The following actions could be considered as a basis for tailoring youth employment interventions to the national situation:
Develop an integrated strategy for growth and job creation to ensure long-term, sustained and concerted action for the promotion of decent work for young people. Assigning priority to youth employment requires a coherent policy framework, with measurable targets and achievable outcomes, that addresses youth employment in national development strategies and employment policies.
Establish broad-based partnerships to turn youth employment commitment into reality. Partnerships among governments, employer organizations, trade unions and other organizations can be instrumental in determining the most appropriate action to be taken at national and local levels for the promotion of decent work for young people. Action plans on youth employment can be used as a tool for the conversion of youth employment priorities into concrete action and to strengthen the coordination of youth employment interventions.
Improve the quality of jobs and the competitiveness of enterprises with a view to increasing the number of jobs in productive sectors and ensuring job quality for the many young people who are currently engaged in precarious jobs, especially in the informal economy. Together with labour legislation, these measures can reduce labour market segmentation based on the type of contract and job and can help young people move to decent jobs.
Invest in the quality of education and training and improve its relevance to labour market needs. Education and training programmes that equip young people with the skills required by the labour market are an important element in facilitating the transition of young people to decent work. These programmes should be based on broad skills that are related to occupational needs and are recognized by enterprises, and should include work experience components. Policy coherence and more effective coordination across education and training systems and labour market institutions should be pursued at all levels, including between Ministries of Education and of Labour, as well as public employment services, private employment agencies and education and training providers.
Enhance the design and increase funding of active labour market policies to support the implementation of national youth employment priorities. Active labour market policies and programmes (ALMPs) programmes should offer a comprehensive package of services with a view to facilitating the transition of youth to decent work. Standard types of ALMPs based on single measures are unlikely to work for discouraged youth or for young workers engaged in the informal economy, especially during crisis and post-crisis periods. The effectiveness of these measures could be greatly improved by introducing mechanisms that target disadvantaged youth and by piloting programmes and assessing their results prior to their implementation on a larger scale. Funding for these measures should be increased to ensure greater support during the post-crisis period. Lack of support for these employment measures would have dramatic consequences for the current generation of young people.
Review the provision of employment services with the objective of offering a set of standard services to all young people and more intensive assistance to disadvantaged youth. Public employment services should re-orient their services to offer “standard” support to all young jobseekers (for example, self-service, group counseling and job search techniques, including employment planning) and more intensive and targeted assistance for “hard-to-place” youth. Early interventions based on profiling techniques and outreach programmes should be developed at the local level to make the services more relevant to young people and to assist enterprises in the recruitment process. Partnerships between employment services and private employment agencies are important to support young people in their job search. Partnerships between labour offices and municipal authorities, the social partners, social services and civil society organizations are required to improve the targeting of young discouraged people and young workers engaged in the informal economy who do not usually fall within the reach of the public employment service.
Pursue financial and macroeconomic policies that aim to remove obstacles to economic recovery:Job growth will not come from labour market policies alone. Additional financial and macroeconomic measures, including bank and debt restructuring, are needed to remove the obstacles to growth.
景気回復の障害を除去することを目標とした、金融・マクロ経済政策を引き続きおこなう: 雇用の成長は労働市場における政策のみでは達成されない。雇用の成長への障害を取り除くためには、銀行と負債のリストラクチャリングを含めた追加的な金融・マクロ経済的な政策が必要である。