
書評- D・カーネマン, Thinking, fast and slow-①

-ナシム・ニコラス・タレブ, 「ブラック・スワン」著者

-スティーブン・レーヴィット, 「やばい経済学」共著者

ダニエル・カーネマンは本書Thinking, fast and slowの序文で、本書は「会社のウォータークーラーの傍らで交わされるゴシップに資すること」を念頭において書かれたと述べている。
本書は2011年に発売され、New York TimesやThe Economist等の複数のレビューでBest book of the yearに選ばれ、評判を呼んだ本であり、人間の意思決定のメカニズムを扱っている。日本語版はまだでていないがいずれ発売されるだろう。
  1. 第一部:2つのシステム
  2. 第二部:認知バイアス
  3. 第三部:自信過剰
  4. 第四部:選択
  5. 第五部:2つの自己
このほかに付録としてカーネマンがトベルスキーとともに発表した論文が2本載っている("Judgement under uncertainity""Choices, Values, and Frames")。
次回から何回かに分けて本書の内容を紹介していくが、今回はマイケル・ルイス(「ライアーズ・ポーカー」、「マネーボール」、「世紀の空売り」等の著者)がVANITY FAIRに載せた本書の書評から興味深い部分を抜粋してみる。
・・・The paper that resulted five years later, the abovementioned “Prospect Theory,” not only proved that one of the central premises of economics was seriously flawed—the so-called utility theory, “based on elementary rules (axioms) of rationality”—but also spawned a sub-field of economics known as behavioral economics. This field attracted the interest of a Harvard undergraduate named Paul DePodesta. With a mind prepared to view markets and human decision-making as less than perfectly rational, DePodesta had gone into sports management, been hired by Billy Beane to work for the Oakland A’s, and proceeded to exploit the unreason of baseball experts. A dotted line connected the Israeli psychologists to what would become a revolution in sports management. 
・・・上述の「プロスペクト理論」として5年後に結実した論文は合理性に関する基本的な規則の上に築かれた効用理論と呼ばれる経済学の中心となる前提の一つに重大な欠陥があることを示しただけでなく、行動経済学として知られる経済学の一分野を産み出した。この分野はポール・デポデスタ(Paul DePodesta)という名前のハーバード大学の学部生の関心を引き付けた。市場と人間の意思決定は完全に合理的なものではないと見なす精神をもって、デポデスタはスポーツ・マネジメントに進み、オークランド・アスレチックスのビリー・ビーンに雇われ、野球界の専門家達の不合理さにつけこむことを推し進めた。運命の点線がイスラエルの心理学者たち(注:カーネマンとトベルスキー)とスポーツ・マネジメントの革命となるものとを結びつけた。
・・・He opened the door wearing hiking shorts and a shirt not tucked into them, we shook hands, and I said something along the lines of what an honor it was to meet him. He just looked at me a little strangely and said, “Ah, you mean the Nobel. This Nobel Prize stuff, don’t take it too seriously.”
He was born in 1934 and grew up a Jew in France during the German occupation. His boyhood had been punctuated by dramatic examples of the unpredictability of human behavior and the role of accident in life. His father was captured in a German dragnet that sent many French Jews to die in concentration camps—but then, at the last moment, he was mysteriously released. With his parents and his sister, Danny fled from Paris to the South of France and then to Limoges, where they lived in a chicken coop at the back of a rural pub. One evening he violated the curfew for Jews, and found himself face-to-face in the street with a man in the black uniform of the German SS. The man picked him up and hugged him, then showed him a picture of his own little boy and gave him money. Later in the war, after his family had disguised their Jewish identity, he watched a young Frenchman, a Nazi collaborator and passionate anti-Semite, be well enough fooled by his sister’s disguise to fall in love with her. (“After the Liberation she took enormous pleasure in finding him and letting him know he had fallen in love with a Jew.”) For a time his father held a job, but it was a long bus ride from the chicken coop, and he was away during the week. On weekends Danny and his mother would watch the bus stop from their house, waiting for his father’s bus to arrive. Each time was a cliff-hanger: he knew his father was in constant danger and was never sure that he would come home. “I remember waiting with my mother, and as we waited we darned socks,” he said. “And so darning socks for me has always been an incredibly anxious activity.” 
・・・Through it all his father suffered from diabetes, which, after the Germans arrived, went untreated. On the day of his death, in 1944, he took Danny, then 10 years old, out for a walk. “He must have known he was dying,” says Kahneman. “I remember him saying it was now time for me to become the man of the family. I was really angry about him dying. He had been good. But he had not been strong.”
・・・After the war his mother moved the family to what was then Palestine and would soon become Israel, where he became first a platoon commander in the Israeli Defense Forces and then a professor of psychology. It apparently never seriously occurred to him to become anything else. He was always bookish, precocious, and curious about what made people tick. His wartime experience may or may not have heightened his curiosity about the inner workings of the human mind; at any rate, he’s reluctant to give the Germans too much credit for his career choice. “People say your childhood has a big influence on who you become,” he says. “I’m not at all sure that’s true.” 
【カーネマンと本書(Thinking, fast and slow)】
・・・He was working on a book, he said. It would be both intellectual memoir and an attempt to teach people how to think. As he was the world’s leading authority on his subject, and a lot of people would pay hard cash to learn how to think, this sounded promising enough to me. He disagreed: he was certain his book would end in miserable failure. He wasn’t even sure that he should be writing a book, and it was probably just a vanity project for a washed-up old man, an unfinished task he would use to convince himself that he still had something to do, right up until the moment he died. 
・・・That’s when he did the thing that I find not just peculiar and unusual but possibly unique in the history of human literary suffering. He called a young psychologist he knew well and asked him to find four experts in the field of judgment and decision-making, and offer them $2,000 each to read his book and tell him if he should quit writing it. “I wanted to know, basically, whether it would destroy my reputation,” he says. He wanted his reviewers to remain anonymous, so they might trash his book without fear of retribution. The endlessly self-questioning author was now paying people to write nasty reviews of his work. The reviews came in, but they were glowing. “By this time it got so ridiculous to quit again,” he says, “I just finished it.” Which of course doesn’t mean that he likes it. “I know it is an old man’s book,” he says. “And I’ve had all my life a concept of what an old man’s book is. And now I know why old men write old man’s books. My line about old men is that they can see the forest, but that’s because they have lost the ability to see the trees.
D・カーネマン @TED